
Monday, March 15, 2010

Gee, I wonder why the women protest?

Married for a Minute
Is Iran's mullah-backed system of temporary marriage a godsend for the sexually frustrated—or religious prostitution?
— By Nadya Labi

"...Iranian feminists ardently oppose sigheh. In the summer of 2008, they were infuriated by President Ahmadinejad's attempts to push through a new "family protection" law that would have made it easier for men to contract temporary marriages...

...Only a man has the right to renew a sigheh when it expires—for another mehr—or to terminate it early. While women may have only one husband at a time, men may have four wives and are permitted unlimited temporary wives..."

I'm still reading The Devil We Know by Robert Baer. Not that I didn't know already, but ,Shia rather than Sunni Islam dominates Iran. Most fascinating to me, Baer refers to taqiya .

After reading The Ayatollah Begs to Differ by Hooman Majd and Treacherous Alliance by Trita Parsi I feel like I'm back at square one as far as Iran goes. It has gained more power and influence in the Middle East since our disastrous wars there, and I believe that it is stupid to refuse to talk to those who really have power in Iran.

Talking helps. The sanctions against Iran don't work. They just force dealings on the black market.

Beyond Sanctions: How to Solve the Iranian Riddle
By Trita Parsi Monday, Mar. 15, 2010

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