
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Unemployment, Afghanistan and bankster rescue explained

Ehrenreich: Where is the outrage over unemployment?
By Barbara Ehrenreich
Posted: 05/07/2009 02:56:38 PM PDT
Updated: 05/07/2009 07:10:52 PM PDT
n most parts of the world, mass unemployment brings the specter of mass social unrest. Not in the United States, though, where 13 million people have accepted joblessness with nary a peep of protest.

Many reasons — from Prozac to Pentecostalism — have been cited to explain America's passivity, but the truth might be far simpler: In America, unemployment has been reconfigured as a new form of work....

What the fuck are we doing in Afghanistan?

Posted May 12, 2009 3:37 pm
Tomgram: Pepe Escobar, Pipelineistan Goes Af-Pak

Back in March, Pepe Escobar, that itchy, edgy global reporter for one of my favorite on-line publications, Asia Times, began laying out the great, ongoing energy struggle across Eurasia, or what he likes to call Pipelinestan for its web of oil and natural gas pipelines. In his first report, he dealt with the embattled energy corridor (and a key pipeline) that runs from the Caspian Sea to Europe through Georgia and Turkey -- and the Great Game of business, diplomacy, and proxy war between Russia and the U.S. that has gone with it...

Frankly, this shit pisses me off more than some of the other stuff. Why? Because corporate interests are using war to get their hands on other people's natural resources in order to profit by selling it to yet another area. Corporate America has all but abandoned US citizens. They profited while there were helping to set up a sense of entitlement of a certain standard of living amongst US citizens that is absolutely unsustainable and is in fact contributing to co2 levels that are exacerbating global warming.

Still, though, I wonder what Escobar is trying to pull when he refers to a bill that never became law? update 9:09 PM 5/12/2009 Of course I should have added earlier that what I found shocking was the title of the bill, it was arrogant. The bills passed to fund the war, but they were called something else.

William Greider and Naomi Klein try to explain to Charlie Rose just what is happening to us via the banksters.

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