
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pirates Fail in Attack on U.S. Ship

Published: April 15, 2009

HONG KONG – An American cargo ship was attacked by pirates armed with grenade launchers and automatic weapons in the Gulf of Aden on Tuesday, but the attackers failed to take over the ship, which was able to continue with its delivery of humanitarian food aid to the Kenyan port of Mombasa.

Yeesh, sometimes it's hard to feel sorry for these morons. Yeah, yeah, I know that the evil Western infidels have made their lives harder, but for Christsakes, some of their problems THEY CREATED. They've known for generations that Somalia is prone to drought, yet they breed like rats, and
engage in tribal warfare etc. etc.

Does this area look green to you?

Yeah, pastoral society whose animals wrecked the land, and they scorned European education.

Maybe their savior Osama bin Fucked-in-the-Head will save them. I say we just quit feeding them unless they agree to educate their girls and allow their women to choose how many brats they squirt out.

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