
Friday, March 27, 2009

Webb calls for criminal justice review

If anybody can deal with a review of the justice system, it's Webb.He studied the Japanese criminal system and found ours wanting, as would anyone who bothered to take an objective look at it.

The following is an article which describes in part the death of the San Diego Union Tribune. The fine articles describing the Dukie Cunningham scandal came too little, too late. Yesterday's article link focuses on another aspect that local reporters bump up against in this city.

Newspapers’ Self-Inflicted Wounds
Posted on Mar 26, 2009
By David Sirota

More from Robert McChesney on Democracy Now

People Died at Three Mile Island
Harvey Wasserman.Author of SOLARTOPIA! Our Green-Powered Earth
Posted March 26, 2009 08:08 PM (EST)

Harvey Wasserman spoke on Democracy Now also this morning

Whoa, our law enforcement look like humanitarians compared to the Taliban braniacs.

Taliban blocks UN polio treatment in Pakistan

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