
Thursday, March 26, 2009

San Diego really is a police state: SDNN refused press passes by police until they “prove” themselves

By Source on March 26Th, 2009

...In a way, I am not surprised. I was already aware of the control the Mayor and the police have over the local media. They are used to it. There has been only one real training ground for print journalists in San Diego for decades and that has been the Copley press. Many Mayoral and City Council staff are ex-UT people, all nurtured in the same symbiotic coziness. They tear up anybody, like Mike Aguirre, who will not be cozy with them...

The author of this article says "In a way, I am not surprised."

I was born and raised in this city, ain't no "In a way" about it. Click on title link for article, it's a good one.

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