
Monday, March 23, 2009

I knew I shoudn't have taken that nap

Because now it's 2 am and I'm wide awake. Well, this is what I chose to read this morning.

Does America Face the Risk of a Fascist Backlash?
By Robert Freeman, AlterNet
Posted on March 19, 2009, Printed on March 23, 2009
hat tip to MS Joanne at They Gave Us a Republic
...As a result of the failure of the right, the German people elected a moderately leftist government...
... So the rightists set out to do everything they could to make it impossible for the leftists to govern...

Maddow and the Filibuster Rule makes the article a bit more chilling. The article is long, but worth it. The article titles I scanned didn't look interesting until I spotted this one.

America Is in Need of a Moral Bailout
Posted on Mar 23, 2009
By Chris Hedges

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