
Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Big Takeover

Posted Mar 19, 2009 12:49 PM

The global economic crisis isn't about money - it's about power. How Wall Street insiders are using the bailout to stage a revolution

After reading Taibbi's article, you know what I'd like to see happen to Joe Cassano , Phil Gramm and all the assholes who took bailout bonus money and then bailed on the mess they helped make ?

Well, when normal people lose their jobs, they are sometimes offered job training while they are on unemployment (stay with me, I know Gramm still has a job and a f*cking awesome pension with awesome benefits coming also, I'm just using my somewhat rusty imagination, K?).

I'd like to see them learn how to process kosher meats in Postville, Iowa. They couldn't find enough workers to keep the plant open, maybe the big shots could do the big takeover at the plant. They could learn new skills. Obviously the old skills weren't working all that well for the whole f*cking world. The only reservation I might have would be that they are such vampires they might like the blood too much.

Ladies and Gentleman, I hope you've read the Shock Doctrine, these fuckers have pulled this bullshit before, I can see what's next and it aint pretty.

video preview
- This Week: "Ten Trillion and Counting" (60 minutes),
March 24th at 9pm on PBS (Check local listings)

Frankly, I didn't learn anything from this Frontline piece of shit . I had an idea of what was going on from the 4 days as a temp I spent at JP Morgan in May of '06. Before I had ever heard of a "sub-prime mortgage" I had seen some sub-prime files and knew what they looked like even though the people that worked at JP Morgan treated me like either I would sell state secrets to the pinko commie Russians or I was too stupid to figure out what I was looking at. I knew I was looking at people's dreams being flushed down the toilet, and I couldn't understand why they had signed onto these loans.

Anyway, 'scuse me if I look at the Obama "Administration Seeks Increase in Oversight of Executive Pay" article with a jaundiced eyes:

From 1998-2008, Wall Street investment firms, commercial banks, hedge funds, real estate companies and insurance conglomerates totalling made political contributions 1.725 billion dollars and spent another 3.4 billion on lobbyists - a financial juggernaut aimed at undercutting federal regulation.

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