
Thursday, July 17, 2008

What I woke up thinking about this morning

The Dominant Animal: Human Evolution and the Environment (Hardcover)by Paul R. Ehrlich (Author), Anne H. Ehrlich (Author)

...But the Ehrlichs also explore the flip side of this triumphant story of innovation and conquest. As we clear forests to raise crops and build cities, lace the continents with highways, and create chemicals never before seen in nature, we may be undermining our own supremacy. The threats of environmental damage are clear from the daily headlines, but the outcome is far from destined. Humanity can again adapt—if we learn from our evolutionary past...

Ethiopia : Failed leader + failed regime = failed state
Alemayehu G. Mariam
The Failed States Index for 2008 is out; and the Land of Famine, Gross Human Rights Violations, Stolen Elections and Poverty is re-certified as a "Failed State", again!

“Farmers have the solution in their hands. Government should turn its focus to the farmers. If government continues providing relief aid and PSNP, then the recipients easily develop a dependency syndrome that will eventually become hard to overcome.”

Rwanda: Eradicating Poverty - Develop a Woman, Develop a Nation
The New Times (Kigali)
16 July 2008
Posted to the web 17 July 2008

Dependent on remittances ,

A nation that trains and exports more nurses than any other suffers from Catholic stupidity,

again and again

News of U.N. Food Aid Initiatives for Haiti Ignore the Overpopulation Problem
April 21, 2008

“Despite the potential problem, history has demonstrated that cooperation, rather than conflict, is likely in shared basins,” says UNESCO.
However, the fact remains that throughout the world water supplies are running dry and the situation is being compounded by inappropriate management of water resources that will likely unravel previous international cooperation around water.

'Birth dearth' worries pale in comparison to overpopulation

Water and food shortages present larger challenges than economic woes linked to a declining population, says author.
By David R. Francis
from the July 14, 2008 edition

Senate passes stupid aid bill

-- The bill does not explicitly authorize bringing together HIV programs and family planning programs under one roof, even though from a practical standpoint this integration is crucial to protect women's health, including safe pregnancy.
SOURCE Global AIDS Alliance

As the population grows, the actual number of poor people is rises as well. 35 The rich must live more simply that the poor may simply live.

We take the cake on wasteful water usage ,
but we're not alone

My friend laughed when I asked her if she was glad she didn't have to live in my head.

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