
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Europe Backpedals on Biofuels .

..."But the allure has dimmed amid growing evidence that the kind of targets proposed by the EU are contributing to deforestation and helping force up food prices." In the overall energy landscape, the EU currently produces 8.5% of its energy from renewable sources....

Naomi Klein on Democracy Now (mp3 audio file)

A journalist who actually does her homework instead of selling shit for huge corporations. I find it easier to listen to her, rather than watch her. Don't ask me why, you don't want to know, it's really a shallow reason.

Update 12:16 PM 8/4/2008
'eh no it's not, Klein bugs me because she's a Pollyanna when it comes to population numbers. Don't you have to take statistics to get a degree in Economics?

Update at 12:12 PM 7/17/2008
Naomi mentions Hunt Oil and their illegal contracts in Iraq with the Kurds. Heh, look what popped up today --

The Pentagon and the Hunt for Black Gold The Oil Deal Nobody Wants to Talk About
by Nick Turse

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