
Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday squirrel blogging

We're not allowed to have pets here, especially not small caged rodents like mice, rats or hamsters. The management says they attract rodents, and that the squirrels are "wild animals."

Bwwaaa ha ha ha ha, gee, nobody has rodents for pets, so how're they attracting rodents again?

The management can't do anything about these "wild animals" here. In many years of watching these critters I've seen them taken down exactly twice by exactly two other "wild animals." Once by a hawk, once by a coyote. The coyote was hungry, the squirrel was fat. Wild animals my ass. These rodents run the place. Just wait till I catch a pic of one of thse little fat-asses practically challenging me to shoo them off my porch before they poop on it.

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