
Friday, July 11, 2008

"Demographic challenge of high growth rates"

Jobs for Jordan
Week of 7.11.08

Got to give Queen Rania some credit here for trying to deal with an astronomical population growth rate, and a culture of denial of reality.

Mmmm. The Middle East doesn't have enough jobs for all of the young people entering the workforce. What a nice diplomatic report that barely mentions the culture of assuming that having many children is sustainable. What arrogance to assume that blue collar work is shameful. You want to feed your 6 kids? Get real, or get a clue and don't have so many. There are 6.7 billion people on the planet. There were 3 billion when I was born. There is only so much arable land, and water supplies are seriously stressed all over the planet, Hel-looooooo?

Let's Compare and Contrast here, mmmmmkay?

Annual population growth rates:


United States



Women in developement

Gee, here's a thought. How about you send your women to work in the family planning services sector? It might create a growth industry, you know, that slowing down of human population growth, and then your other industries might be able to keep up.

Birth rates

Unemployment rates

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