
Saturday, February 23, 2008

More than you want to know about water in the US

There's a storm coming in.

It's going to hit San Diego, but it's not going to be enough, even with the snow pack in the Sierra Nevadas to solve the water problems, like running out , that we have here.

Of course all over the country there is the looming sinkhole crisis from crumbling infrastructure problems. Who us? Waste water? Read my lips, No New Taxes.

But the prize for all around stupidity has to be that US has been MINING WATER and lowering the Ogallala Aquifer for decades now, for taxpayer subsidized crops, some of it making Cargill piggies fatter off of poor people in Mexico.

I watched Bill Moyers' show on earmarks last night. I never knew that the original meaning for earmarks was a mark on the ears of livestock.

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