
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Dude, where's my voting machine software?

Election Software Lost in Transit
By Kim Zetter
December 20, 2007

...In San Diego County, one of the empty tubes arrived with no lid on the end of it to close the tube; the second tube had a lid, but it was loosely taped shut....

...The chips contained firmware to run the optical-scan equipment that San Diego uses in its central counting office.

The title of this article made me laugh out loud:

Electronic voting will greatly enhance democracy in Kenya
Story by ANDREW LIMO Digital World
PubPublication Date: 1/18/2008

(they must be pushing Diebold electronic voting machines in this "commentary")

... Brazil introduced electronic voting in 1996 where about 110 million voters used the computer to elect leaders — from mayors to the president.

Signs in Kenya That Killings Were Planned
Violence continued in Kenya, where on Sunday the police and residents tried to quell a fire set in the Mathare slum in Nairobi.
Published: January 21, 2008

A Superior Court Judge has issued a tentative ruling against the County of San Diego in its suit, challenging the Secretary of State.

Ummmm, yeah, here's another laughable article title:

New rules will bring security to ballot box
By Tom Elias
Article Launched: 01/20/2008 07:45:59 PM PST

Why is it laughable?

...Sen. Hillary Clinton ran far stronger in counties where votes were counted on Diebold Accuvote optical scan machines than where paper ballots were counted by hand...

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