
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Do you have any idea who you're watching?

Chrystia Freeland needs her snotty, pompous, elitist ass kicked.

Can you just imagine her creaming her lacy panties over McCain's claiming he is the successor to Maggie Thatcher? Bet those panties looked great under that prep school. cheerleading uniform

What is that, a stage name?

I'm bloody sick of the asspress shoving McCain & Hillary at us.

The financial sector knows damn well that that those ho's is open for bidness and that's why they are pushing that horesrace.

Well, Freeland is the darling of the investor's press.

She's supposed to be some expert on Russia.

She should know better than this, after all she wrote this:

Sale of the Century.

Make sure you look at the reviews, the sources of them, and the lack of substance are revealing.

This mess started with Friedman and his Chicago Boys. Nobody wants Americans to know that the "diplomatic difficulties" that we are experiencing with Russia have anything to do with American based organizations, and multinational corporations based in the US, raping and pillaging Russia. Looks like the bastard lived to see revenge done on the family oppressors.

Hmmmm. According to my textbook the meltdown that resulted in the looting and pillage of Russia can be attributed to the fact that:

"In many cases, workers acquired 49 percent of the stock in their company, while the former government managers received 51 percent and effective control. The vouchers given to the general public could later be traded for company stock. While millions of Russians did trade at least a part of their vouchers for stocks, the majority did not. Having lived their lives under communism, most had no understanding of the potential value of their vouchers and they willingly sold them to speculators for a small reaction of their potential worth. Armed with these vouchers and ties to the Kremlin, and aided by healthy bribes, these budding entrepreneurs were able to purchase state firms at perhaps 10 percent of their real value, thereby emerging as a new class of super tycoons generally known as the oligarchs."

Ummm, yeah, privatization, which generally involves downsizing, shuts down factories and people lose their jobs. These people (who up until this time had no reason to understand the stock market anyway) were hungry.

Wake up, little Chrystia, all will not end well, no matter who's buttering your bread.

Or providing milk for your cereal.

Here's the antidote to corporate media and sister Chrystia's mindlessness

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