
Friday, October 26, 2007


update 10:29 AM 10/26/2007 THIS is what the fishwrap did correctly --- it's non partisan

This Goddanmed Fucking Fishwrap OpEd is not


The air support for the fires was grounded while the fucking idiot president (Bush) flew over.

Update 9:24 AM 10/28/2007 firefighters were not grounded?
I think. It was probably a pain in the ass for air traffic controllers, though. I'm not apologizing for what I did, I hope the moron saw me.

RB residents wait to return until after president's photo op

He flew directly over my house on his way to RB

I gave the whole helicopter group a big fat two handed, two fingered salute as they blew fucking ash, dust, & dried leaves that are still green all over the place, even though this area didn't burn.

There are still about 800 evacuees at Qualcomm, they will be booted out by noon so that the ball game can be played this weekend. (at ten thirty am, only sixty left)

Ramona (35,000) has no water, but Jacobs said she thought all the residents should be allowed in. I was thrilled to hear Mikey from Ramona's rant on KLSD this morning, and Stacy Taylor's voice on my little transistor radio down at the stadium was so comforting. He did a six hour show, even though his house could have been in danger.

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