
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fire politics disgust

Awww crap, living in San Diego it's pretty easy to get disgusted with the state of politics here:

{A blogger buddy send me this a few days ago (10:17 AM 9/14/2009) it's perfect for this post, but I don't remember reading it at the time}

Crews Battle Mighty Witch Fire For 5th Straight Day
POSTED: 8:41 am PDT October 25, 2007

...The roughly 2,300 firefighters and emergency personnel assigned to the blaze were aided by favorable weather Wednesday, as the Santa Ana winds that enabled the inferno to spread so quickly started to let up.

Firefighters Get Control as Questions Rise
(Page 2 of 2)
Published: October 25, 2007
..After bureaucratic snags delayed deployment, 14 military fire-fighting helicopters and 5 C-130 military planes were released Wednesday to help fight the fires, said United States Representative Duncan Hunter, Republican of California...

This would be me rolling my eyes right here. Why?

..._About 100 defense employees, including active duty military personnel and civilians, are fighting fires. That's 12 firefighting teams — mostly civilian — and their 12 fire engines.

_Some 1,500 Army National Guard and Air National Guardsmen are helping firefighters — not on the fire lines, but doing other tasks to free up the firefighters.

550 Marine Corps personnel at Camp Pendleton are preparing for possible firefighting duty. ...

...While covering a backfire designed to keep the wildfire from consuming more of the military facility, a CNN correspondent said he could hear previously unexploded munitions being detonated by the scorching heat...

Yeah, and one more thing Duncky, You can't get any aircraft into the air if it's too windy and smoky, so quit bragging and grandstanding, you can't control the weather.

I was disgusted to see DiFei bounce off of Preznit Poopypant's plane also. Bitch was probably here to see if she could profit AGAIN.

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