
Friday, August 17, 2007

Sen. Barbara Boxer: Stop the GOP Electoral Power Grab in California

(Since it's hot for the third day and my brain hurts, most of today's links are YouTube videos)

Senator Boxer takes to task

Kevin Martin FCC chairman, partisan hack and Bush bootlicker

I'll admit it.

I love Barbara Boxer, and I'm glad that she's my senator.

I'm considering one of these Draft Barbara Boxer bumper stickers .

I think this country is ready for a female president, but Hillary ain't it.

However, I won't be surprised if Hillary ends up being the nominee

It's all show anyway.

They just pick two flavors of protectors of the rich.

Tonight on PBS NOW, a show that will hit close to home for me, literally.

Home Insurance 9-1-1

People who lost their homes in the Cedar fire in San Diego County still can't rebuild.

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