
Friday, October 06, 2006


Republican leadership's immediate reaction to predatorgate:

and that's all I have to say about Foleygate.

I can't connect the following two stories, but they have been the only stories that I've found interesting today.

Tageblatt, Luxembourg
America's Science Empire: It's About Money ... and More
Translated By Sandrine Ageorges
October 4, 2006

According to Peter Bowler, a Professor in the History of Science at the University of Belfast, "The United States constitutes the most powerful scientific economy in the world. They invest more money and probably in a more coherent fashion than anyone else, and in the end, it pays off."
...However the picture in the United States is not completely rosey, where the number of qualified science graduates is dropping, and where public opinion surveys in regard to the sciences reflect a general indifference, if not the suspicion or aversion reflected by fundamentalist religious movements...
...Lastly, the United States is growing concerned with a number of fundamental research projects in Europe that could reverse the trend of American domination, for example into particle physics and atomic fusion...
America's Science Empire: It's About Money ... and More

Y numero dos.

Last night on the local newz one of the stations covers the local
World Can't Wait Bush protest and this morning I look for an online link and I can't find it, AND I can't remember which station I was watching. Duh. I wanted a quote because the commentator had said something like 'These people aren't going to get rid of the Bush administration at the polls, they are putting pressure on them to leave office through Nationwide protests .

Of course there was no mention of the GD voting machines, AND the GD Diebold optical scanners on our local newz, which is usually brought to us by the M-I-C.

Y mas from

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