
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

How we got here

If you want to know how the US got itself into the mess that it is in now ( you know, wars, trade deficits, budget deficits, China, Japan, military-industrial-complex, umm... etcetera), go read the Chalmers Johnson Essay at Tomdispatch.

If you haven't seen this movie, do yourself a favor and see it.
Why We Fight

Don't bother with any of this if you wish to continue drinking the Kool-Aid. Carry on.


  1. You know, PB, it's pretty telling when a fat slob of a petroborg like Lee F. Raymond appears on it. If that man's neck wattles were any more distended, he wouldn't need pants.

    Yeah, his presence in the documentary alone is an indictment of why we're fighting: Oil. Sweet, sweeeeeeeeeeeeet crude.

  2. petroborg lol thanks for making me laugh juraassicpork

  3. Anonymous4:33 PM

    jp sent me, i'm glad he did. usually as soon as somebody from the white house says that "it's not about . . ." you can bet your light sweet crude ass that it is. i hates me some kool aid, guess i'm doomed to be alone and outraged for the next several years. nice to know there's other folks with eyes and stuff. keep your gag reflex finely tuned. they ain't even started yet.
