
Thursday, September 28, 2006

To stop and think

Okay, so I watch this video and I react with anger. Pure rage and then hatred for the Iraqis, for Iraq, mixed with a visceral loyalty for a fellow American. It happens in an instant before I even have a chance to think about it.

Troops abandon Halliburton truck driver video

And then I go read the following opinion piece, which slips in under the radar some history of the Middle East. Not something we get in our K-12 Education in the United States.

The erosion of the Arab state
By Soumaya Ghannoushi


Why not?

And didn't I see somewhere that Halliburton truck drivers are making three or four times what the Army privates that protect them are making?

Oh yeah, I did:
This factsheet revised January 30, 2006.

Defense CEO & Private Contractor Pay vs. Military Pay

Army Private:$24,278

Defense Contractor CEO:$100,000

General with 20+ Years Experience:$168,509

Private Military Contractor:$11,586,000

I'm not angry any more. I'm back to wondering why the fucking neocons were allowed to steal two elections and how much more damage they can do in the two years they have left.


  1. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Great post, as always. the problem has so many layers to it. to a so called insurgent, these are foreign invaders, whether driving trucks or shooting their children. and those people who take these jobs, they KNOW their risk, and that's why they have such high end salaries. the worst off in the deal are the civilians and the soldiers, neither of which has a choice in tehir fate, and has this nightmare forced t=down their throats.

  2. Thanks Loopy, I appreciate it. The US was already importing Middle Eastern oil the year I was born. As a teacher, do you understand why my generation (born in the 60's) wasn't taught Muslim or Middle Eastern history basics? Did they neglect that in France, or do they make K-12 students watch the Battle of Algiers?
