
Sunday, June 18, 2006

Plea for net neutrality

...The corporate media that was long ago used as a weapon against the people is still used to promulgate the lies and distortions that have torn this nation asunder and set the world ablaze with war and discord. The shameless promotion of the war in Iraq and the brutal occupation of the Palestinian people by the Israeli military are poignant examples...

...So infected are the public airwaves with the lies and distortions of capitalism and the military industrial complex, that there is no room for the expression of opposing opinions or dissent...

...Enter the Internet, one of the last bastions for democracy and the free and open exchange of ideas...

...If the world’s largest telecommunications companies have their way that will change...

...If net neutrality is defeated the result will be a familiar one that characterizes all capitalist societies divided by class. Once again, it will be those with money who get preferential treatment...

...Men like Ted Stevens, (uh huh,this dickweed) who so typify Congress these days, are a slave to his corporate pay masters. He does not serve the interest of the people or the commonwealth any more than do AT&T, Verizon and Comcast. Senator Steven’s abysmal voting record speaks for itself. It is all about socializing cost and privatizing wealth—predatory capitalism...

...More information on net neutrality can be found at or ..

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