
Friday, January 13, 2006

Trader Tapes Excluded From Enron Trial

From Associated Press and Bloomberg News

The upcoming trial of Enron Corp. founder Kenneth L. Lay and former Chief Executive Jeffrey K. Skilling won't feature audiotapes of Enron traders discussing how they gamed California's power system for high profit when the state was plagued by rolling blackouts and skyrocketing power prices in 2000 and 2001, a judge ruled Thursday...
trader tapes excluded

Remember "Grandma Millie?"

I sure as f*%# do. That arrogant little d*%k&wee#'s voice is burned into my psyche forever. Which brings me to Ahhrrrnold, who along with Pete Wilson and a host of other Republican cucaraches set this whole clusterfuck deregulation of energy markets in California in motion.

And another thing as long as we're talking about that can't quite hide the Nazi under his chameleon shell. Why the hell isn't his kid in some nasty foster home with him and his wife begging for supervised visiting rights right now? No motorcycle driver's license. And child endangerment.

Yeesh, some days are just pissers.

I found this on MSN Video Click this linkOld Lady vs jerk


  1. nice blog, pb! keep up the good work!

  2. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Why is the kid not in a foster home? Because the R

  3. Good stuff keep it up. Blogging is good for the soul, but at the President says, "it's hard work."
