
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Behind the Black Robes: Failed Justice

The Supreme Court ruling allowing unlimited political contributions by corporations on today, Thursday January 21, 2010 didn't surprise me. 5 to 4, just like I expected, the Robert's court is conservative. The conservatives have been chomping at the bit since Roberts took control. Well, maybe even before that, since Sandra D though it might be horrible if Gore won in 2000 and picked her replacement. Hmm, let's go even further back than that, lets go to the conflict of interest involved in the roots of the corporate personhood stuff. Woo hoo, the corporate media whores love it!
'Shadow Elite': Do You Know Whose Agenda You're Being Sold?

The author of this book goes back even further. She shows examples of how the courts subvert the Constitution going almost all the way back to the publishing of the Constitution. Today and most of the time I see a ruling that blatantly favors big business I wonder "Who are these fuckers playing golf with?" I can wonder that, can't I? Well Johnson wondered also and made a stink about court reform being necessary and paid for it.

I'm still finishing the book and I am fortunate enough to have avoided being in court a lot, so I don't know poo poo about the law, but I'm learning some. I did not know about judicial immunity
. Hmmm. Judges are still human beings. Anybody who sniffs and says they are incapable of using their job to favor friends or acquaintances is oblivious to how human nature works.

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