
Friday, January 22, 2010

Beating a dead horse here

Diebold now, ES&S . suck. The mainstream media sucks syphlitic dick. They would have us believe that voters, especially blue collar worker voters are retarded, paranoid, and even more self destructively pissed off at Washington than is sensible. Yeah, some are, most are just intentionally uninformed, misinformed and incredibly forgetful or unaware of history. That has historically meant profits for companies who spent money on advertising, which paid for most publication costs. I don't buy it. I think a change happened in politics that made the ship of state too fucking big to turn quickly and big business is now so fucking arrogant that they couldn't be bothered to learn how to work with Democratic Congresswhores. After all, they've done well by investing in Rethugs and media sources.

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