
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Maybe I will just go back to bed

It's raining really hard at times. Landscaping like this is only possible with sprinkler systems and really good drainage systems.

San Diego is is scrub desert. Before development most of it looks like this.

This property probably won't flood, but flooding is happening in San Diego.

Update 3:09 PM 1/21/2010: Bwaahahahaha, I just found this little gem,
2 news crews had to have people rescued from the floods. Yeah, we don't know how to deal with water here in San Diego because the typically dry weather, droughts, fires and development make it a real mess when it does rain.

Lovely historical photos and postcards of the valley below the mission.

And the Mission Valley Shopping Center finished and opened in 1961. Gee, I wonder why Mission Valley floods? Could it be that it was built in a floodplain?

So now onto why I just want to go back to bed :

The Supreme Court changed the rules so that
companies can give unlimited amounts of money to our CongressWhores.

Greg Palast documented his fears here.

Never mind all the compound fractures in Haiti that are causing untold amounts of misery due to infection now, the Doctors Without Borders group was stuck flying around instead of being able to land and set up another field hospital. If you watched the national mainstream news that I was watching for the first few days you might think the only field hospital available was run by the Israelis.

Great PR for Israel though, good on them, they could use some good PR.


Perhaps they are just better at dealing with security threats to aid groups?

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The the mercenary companies are . banging on the door to get into Haiti

Jeremy Scahill on Rachel Maddow today.

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