
Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Relaxing with new old music. The kid introduced me to Modest Mouse and some others for which I am grateful and the old man bores and irritates me with his high school soundtrack of Boston , REO , and worst of all Styx. I used to listen to country, but since I don't drink as much, I can't stand that caterwauly whining. I still love the blues, but I like my jazz predictable, and quiet. Not much on the horns dueling it out in improvisation. Don't demand my attention, I find that irritating and distracting and I have ADD. (Click on the pics to explore the sound)

This is my music. I've been hooked on it since I was 16.

5500 Squids are landing

After 6 months at sea in the Persian Gulf. The ones with fucked up families or drug and alcohol problems won't be flying home for Thanksgiving, they'll be wreaking havoc on the local girls. Some of which are greedy, skanky hos and deserve it, or professionals who will be compensated for their company. Either way, I warned my daughter.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Love BuckFush

it's pretty simple

The U.S. raids are deeply unpopular among many ordinary Pakistanis, many of whom are already angry with their leader's support for the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan.

About 100 people in the eastern city of Multan demonstrated against the strike, chanting "Down with America" and burning an effigy of President George W. Bush.

Dial 1-800-Waaaaahhhh. You take aid money for the control of your whacked out Islamist militants and fund same, fuck you.

Frankly, until these numbers get closer to even, this planet will continue to have serious problems and the competition for resources will continue to be violent.


Saturday, November 22, 2008


Gotta love global warming, it's lowering my clothing bill. My entire summer clothing bill, which can be worn 9 months out of the year now, is less than $150 for this and next year.

I found out yesterday why I'm so impatient when I'm trying to read online. My eyes are fucked. So if I'm not visiting and commenting enough, that's why. I'll be more active when I can see.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Franken Coleman recount

Betcherass there there are some questions that still need to be answered.

Last night was a good night. I got to see my kid, & she spent the night. She's still clearing her stuff out of her room, a little bit at a time. I hadn't seen or heard from her in 2 weeks. That hadn't happened since she was 2 and it was really painful.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cheney, Gonzales Indicted in Texas Prison Case

Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales have been indicted on state charges involving federal prisons in a South Texas county that has been a source of bizarre legal and political battles under the outgoing prosecutor.

This is the one time I wil link to FOX News when it isn't a joke. I'm sorry it isn't the Hague, but it's something.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bwwwaaaa hah hahahahahahha

I guess the Saudis didn't invest enough in Somalia?

Hey, maybe they'll send over some birth control?

Bwaaa ha hahahhahahaha, I thought not.

Not that we don't have our own anti-birth control morons who don't understand that the country is broke, and seriously in debt.

The place is a
train wreck

Loaded with militants.

And inside the US
Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2008
Study puts a total on diabetes cost: $218 billion
By LINDA A. JOHNSON AP Business Writer

Nobody is going to move to restrict the use of corn syrup, which is is subsidized or, white flour bleach, both of which contribute to the development of diabetes.
This looks like an interesting book to me.

Just look at the bailout bullshit. Business rules, even when it is destructive. In fact, sometimes when it is destructive, it's especially profitable.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Relaxing with new old music. The kid introduced me to Modest Mouse and some others for which I am grateful and the old man bores and irritates me with his high school soundtrack of Boston , REO , and worst of all Styx. I used to listen to country, but since I don't drink as much, I can't stand that caterwauly whining. I still love the blues, but I like my jazz predictable, and quiet. Not much on the horns dueling it out in improvisation. Don't demand my attention, I find that irritating and distracting and I have ADD.

This is my music. I've been hooked on it since I was 16.

Which clock could you live with?

Vote >---------->------------>------->

( if you are interested in any of the clocks you can click on the picture and find out more, or buy it online :)


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why I don't watch Sunday morning TV

If it’s Sunday, it’s still conservative.»

The fires are having some grim consequences:

Coroner's office burns -- but workers keep investigating fire
1:39 PM, November 16, 2008

Man, this just takes the cake for stupid headlines:

Mexico drug wars spill across the border

If there wasn't a market for drugs in the US there wouldn't be any need for the US to finance both fucking sides of the war on drugs in Mexico.


I got both of them. I like both of them.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Music and fun

I forgot what a pain in the ass it is to load 150 CDs into a computer. Now if I can only figure out how to not have to do this again. Most of what was important I managed to save before the demise of the XP computer. My brother managed to resurrect it, and he's considering putting linux on it. Vista sucks, really hard but the service plan I bought with this computer doeis not, so whatever.

My friend Annie always tries to cheer me up when I'm grousing.

She'll do it for you and your party too, if you're in LA:

Friday, November 14, 2008

Tonight's TV and Friday squirrel blogging

7:30 PM

Bill Moyers Journal 8:00 PM

And what the fuck is this?

In Fla., Election Decided By Toss Of A Coin

And Badtux posted a MUST see post on how to deal with some supporters of Prop 8.

I heard about the white powder sent to the Mormons, and I don't think it was a good idea, even if it
was non-toxic because it gives those assholes the martyr card in the media.

That said, I laughed when I heard it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

tagged by Dyre 42

The Rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Six random things about myself:

I know that people are stupid enough to destroy the earth

2)I discovered that I was a liberal while taking business classes.

I have some hope for my country now.

4) I think people who bring children into this world now are stupid, ignorant, or selfish,
because the kids are going to suffer.

Greed makes me sick

6) I'm obsessed with the out of control world population.

Sorry, I'm not tagging anyone because I hate being tagged.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The whales lost in the Sooopreme court

I knew they would.

Which clock could you live with?

Here's the klinker, I live in an old shitty little apt (think NOT bright white) and the kitchen clock neds to serve the also the living/dining/family/den room. I never noticed how many times I refer to it till the old one died. I like number one, but the face is too small.



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My favorite old pictures and the passage of time

They're dog eared because they spent a couple of years banging around in a key chain. These are fifteen and seventeen years old. We used to be pretty darn cute, eh? She's still fabulous looking, me, not so much. getting old sucks.

I went shopping with a friend a few days ago. I'm not much of a shopper, but with major retailers going under, I couldn't resist. I'm still not used to not buying stuff for the kid, who is no longer a kid. I bought two sets of towels, not sure which one matched her shower curtain better.

I was looking for a wall clock. I think I got the last one thirteen or fourteen years ago. It never really looked good in this apartment, but I never cared. As soon as the kid moved out it started acting up and died. After three hours and 7 or 8 stores of clock shopping I was really frustrated so I went looking online.

I like this one, but of course, it's ridiculously expensive, it's a wall clock for over the dang kitchen sink,and $275 is around $250 more than I want to pay for a clock.

I like this one

and this one

These are fun, & I'll never lose the timer again .

and when I thought that this one was pretty interesting I knew
it was time to quit looking for a while.

Great reading list

Unfortunately, I have been remiss in checking this site and missed it. There are only two books on the 2008 booklist that I have read, although they all look interesting.

Al Franken shouldn't have poo-pooed BradBlog

Really, Al, you shouldn't have, there's good information there.

Hat tip to Danny

This made me sad:

Burma 10 November 2008
Prison court sentences blogger to 20 years, poet to two years

Sunday, November 09, 2008

What to buy Dick Cheney for X-mas

Will I ever stop hating the greedy sonofabitch?


This Week: "Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story" (90 minutes),
November 11th at 9pm on PBS (Check local listings)

San Diego: OK of water mandates expected; Council likely to approve upgrade to drought alert
Posted by: Aqua Blog Maven on November 9, 2008 at 6:58 am
From the San Diego Union Tribune:

Obama’s big win obscured ongoing voting problems

By Art Levine 11/8/08 12:41 AM

Barack Obama won, there were only isolated election glitches, and all’s right with the world.

That, at least, is one emerging mainstream media view about Election Day. As Associated Press declared, “After all that fuss, the system worked. There was no meltdown, no flurry of lawsuits, no statewide demands for a presidential recount.”

But just because there was no repeat of nightmare scenario like the 2000 Florida recount doesn’t mean that there weren’t systemic problems in the country’s diverse electoral systems.

In Minnesota, problem-plagued ballot scanners threaten an accurate recount in the contest between Sen. Norm Coleman and Democratic challenger Al Franken, according to Minnesota Independent.

Digital photography allows for undetected key copies
Sat Nov 8, 2008 2:13PM EST

Breaking into a lock without being noticed no longer means having to actually have the key ahead of time in order to make a copy. Computer geniuses at UC San Diego have written a computer program that can copy a key based solely on a photograph of it...

...Voting machine company Diebold
got caught up in just such an embarassing scenario early last year when it put photos of the master keys used for its machine on its website.)...

And finally, MDD has a great post called

California Not Always So Liberal
by Natasha Chart, Sun Nov 09, 2008 at 12:38:26 PM EST

Friday, November 07, 2008

Friday squirrel blogging

A few wrinkles and a bit of mold didn't stop this guy from stuffing his face with champagne grapes.

Republican gun nuts are such paranoid morons:

Fears of a Dem crackdown lead to boom in gun sales
Print By DENA POTTER Dena Potter – 7 mins ago

Bush officials moving fast to cut environmental protections
By Renee Schoof McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON - In the next few weeks, the Bush administration is expected to relax environmental-protection rules on power plants near national parks, uranium mining near the Grand Canyon and more mountaintop-removal coal mining in Appalachia.

The bigots made a legal mess: Calif. gay-marriage ban creates legal uncertainty By PAUL ELIAS Associated Press Writer

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Hundreds of protesters took to the streets Thursday over California's new ban on gay marriage, amid deepening political turmoil and legal confusion over who should have the right to wed.

Legal experts said it is unclear whether an attempt by gay-rights activists to overturn the prohibition has any chance of success, and whether the 18,000 same-sex marriages performed in California over the past four months are in any danger.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


I don't know how he found out that so far my county is way ahead for Obama? Thanks Iwanski, it shocked me, but it pleased me.

Last updated on: 11-05-08 at: 06:38:49

There are approximately 220,000 Absentee / Provisional ballots still to be counted


Precincts: 2328
Counted: 2328
Percentage: 100.0%

Vote for: 1







Blogged by Shannyn Moore on 11/6/2008 1:18PM Turnout Rate Reported as Lowest Ever in State, Down 11% From '04 Even With Both Palin and Obama on the Ballot
Hanging in the Balance in the Diebold State: Felon Ted Stevens' U.S. Senate Race, Corrupt Don Young's House Race & Much More...
Guest blogged by Shannyn Moore

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The OTHER Election Night Story in Georgia: No Early Votes Included in Reported Results

11/5/2008 1:34:00 PM
As the nation watched election returns come in state by state, and national, state and regional television stations began to report the numbers, every major news outlet reported that Georgia had voted heavily for McCain -- all except for the Associated Press Atlanta office, the news organization that is rooted in the print, newspaper business. They held back.

Chambliss, Martin Gear Up for Senate Runoff