
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

 Haven't figured out my ridiculously expensive new cell phone and if I call you my husband's name will show up on your caller ID.


  1. Nunya,

    Gee, sweetie pie, you're totally obsessed with those fucking cell phoes, ain't ya, lol?

    Funny cuz I haven't had a cell phone for over 3 years and I sure don't miss it one bit. In fact I haven't had a "normal" (i.e. landline) phone either for 4 years - although I do miss it a little (but less and less).

    The only thing I really miss about a landline phone is the fact it means I can't have an Internet connection (ADSL) at home. Now, THAT REALLY SUCKS!

    Think of something else, girl! Get into pirating movies and build a huge collection, like I did; you'll never be bored again, promise! BTW, Deidra and I just watched a really great movie: "You, me and Dupree". Wow! 9/10, at least! It's not only a great movie (great in all possible respects), but one which leaves you with a really strong "feel great" feeling afterwards.

    PS: don't worry, I don't care what your husband's name is, lol.
