
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Why I don't want to go to protests.


  1. Lol, good one! I used to go to protests when I was a teenager living in Paris. Late 60s & early 70s. Fucking fascist Général De Gaule was the resident president cunt of France at the time, which means street demonstrations in all major cities of France were weekly occurences. Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Nice, Bordeaux, Nantes, Toulouse, Aix, Montpellier, and all the other major university cities.

    Unfortunately for us, De Gaulle, as a good fascist cunt, had special anti-riot squads, who looked exactly like your photograph: full face helmets, body height plexiglass shields, and worst of all tear grenades.

    Tear grenades sounds cute and fuzzy and nearly "civilized and humane"; however the reality is different: when one of them blows up within one meter of face, you lose half of it (your face, I mean).

    This happened many times. As a result, demonstrations became more and more ferocious, and students resorted to this wonderful Russian invention called the "Molotov Cocktail". Very effective cuz fascist pigs with their armor burned just effectively as if they'd been stark nekked.

    This, combined with setting fire to thousands of cars parked in the streets, overturning the others to build giant barricades, meant the fucking pigs had to sound retreat regularly.

    Then the fascist cunt De Gaulle started to panick and called the military to step in. Oh boy, big fucking mistake, that cunt made!!! The entire country went on strike and marched into the streets armed with anything from pitch forks to shotguns.

    That was May 1968. This date is as well remembered and celebrated in France as Xmas and Easter.

    The important thing to remember, and May 1968 was a striking modern example of it, is that no matter how well armed a fascist regime is, they can't beat the entire population if it is furious, outraged, desperate and determined - even if their weapons are toys compared to the fascist ruling cunts.

    And not just fascist ruling cunts, but also fascist invading cunts, like Europeans were so good at a few centuries ago, and Americans even better at all the way up to the 21st century.

    This has been demonstrated time and time again, in every part of the wrold, not just in Europe, but in Russia, China, Cuba, all over South America, Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, etc etc, even Australia.

    1. I think the late 60s were tumultuous everywhere on the planet. Unfortunately the fascist pigs won. They are outnumbered this time, and I'm pretty sure that the 99% of the human race who are forced into living under the 1%'s arrogance and overblown sense of entitlement have had enough and next time the shit hits the fan it will be blown upwards right into the blown out windows of their fucking penthouses.

  2. Nunya,

    "Unfortunately the fascist pigs won.".

    Mmmm, partly yes, but not quite. Europe has never been the same since then, for instance. I guess we're used to uprisings, revolts and revolutions, it's been our way of life for 2 millenia. When, a few years ago, the asshole Sarkozy managed to get elected president here, and started making changes to pamper the upper class/ high income earners, and screw the humble masses, he got the full treatment and couldn't even finish his term as president for fear of another 1789 style massive revolutions, starting with burning down the Elysée Palace (=like your Capitol Hill). He resigned for fear of his useless life.

    " They are outnumbered this time, and I'm pretty sure that the 99% of the human race..."

    Very pleased to hear that!

    PS: I visit Alt Brain's blog quite regularly and Deidra and I have quite a bit of fun there. You should visit some time.
