
Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

I am reading the "Millenium" series by Stieg Larssson. The books are excellent.

I am also watching the 6 part extended Swedish tv mini series and this version is soooooo much better than the American version of the film.  It's streaming on Netflix and this is the 3rd time I've watched it.


  1. Great!

    I wrote about these a couple of years ago and tried to get my readers interested to no avail (sad to say). I think this is so because no one ever responded to me about them.

    The Millennium series really impressed me due to its emphasis on the implications of "men who hated women" (and I saw them before the Daniel Craig mishmash). I was really lucky to get this chance because my local library had bought them for its foreign collection, thus I could see them as many times as I wanted.

    You might want to read Larsson's girlfriend's book about them and their genesis too.


    (If this reply is garbled, please excuse me as I'm listening to the regular outrageousness of Blue Gal and Driftglass simultaneously. Screamingly funny.)

  2. Oh yes, the Swedish version is much better. 100% agreed.

  3. Cirze,

    I much agree with most of what you're saying. In fact, it lead me to check your profile, and in turn your "Pottersville" blog.

    Both are most interesting, and in fact, I tried to leave a comment on your blog's last article - which is by the way extremely lengthy but also equally interesting.

    However, it was impossible for me to leave a comment, or more precisely for it to be accepted by your ferocious anti-commenting censorship apparatus.

    Seems odd (to say the least) to come across a blog openly and proudly claiming to be "ANTI-FASCIST" (your own words, no kidding), from which one might naturally deduce it should be "pro-freedom-of-expression", only to discover that nobody from the general public is actually allowed to express their 2 cents' worth.

    In fact your blog is actually more "anti-freedom-of-expression" than the most fascist and racist blogs I have ever come across - and believe you me, when it comes to fascist & racist blogs which don't allow anyone to say their bit unless it is full-on nazi Hitler/Bush/Cheney/Pol-Pot/Stalin/Idi-Amin vomit, I have seen thousands of those rags, from all over the planet, and at least 50% of them being from USA..

    Any explanation? (PS: being a caucasian American, or one of native Indian descent is not a valid excuse in my books).

    I haven't seen that Millenium series, neither the American nor the Swedish version. However, I have seen the Bill Gates "Windows Millenium" Operating System, and I can assure you it is more scary than the most gory horror story, lol. Enough to put you off computers for life and buy an abaccus instead, no kidding, lol.

    1. I think you might like ithe books and the mini-series, and probably Val and Stiletto would like it. The main character is a young woman who is smart and tough :)

  4. Nunya,

    "probably Val and Stiletto would like it. The main character is a young woman who is smart and tough"

    ah! How right you are. Interesting you should say this; I mean... that Stiletto is a tough woman, well... it's pretty obvious; but Valérie also is a tough woman, and I admire her just as mch. To work as a waitress with her disability and all that it means in terms of strain to do the work and strain to endure the gaze of the customers - either of pity or of amusement.

    I miss them so much. But I sure don't miss the fascist cunt Jeanette Lucey, lol.

    Do you know this Cirze woman? Have you seen her blog? I can't work her out.
