
Friday, February 08, 2013

It's raining...again

I'm tried of this winter's rain, January is often nice and warm for the tourists. It's not real rain, just gloomy, damp and drizzly. People in this county still drive like idiots when it rains, not realizing that the roads are so crowded that they are covered with oil, and very slick because we rarely get enough rain to wash the oil off of them.

I'm surprised that the cops had time to come and take pictures of my neighbors car that got keyed. Me, classy lady that I am, asked "Did they fuck with mine too?" The keyed car was parked right next to mine. Jebus, I really should have a cuppa coffee before I present myself to the cops in my doofy pjs, obnoxiously bright slippers and ratty, ancient (but much loved) robe.