
Saturday, August 04, 2012

America is a Democracy? Really?

Published: Saturday 4 August 2012
“Forget that the government is increasingly trampling on the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, with a burgeoning surveillance program and a growing militarization of the police.”

America is a Democracy? Really?

Dave Lindorff is an investigative reporter, a columnist for CounterPunch, and a contributor to Businessweek, The Nation, Extra! and He received a Project Censored award in 2004. Dave is also a founding member of the online newspaper ThisCantBeHappening! at


  1. Do you think you can do me the favor of telling WhyNot I don,t mind answering his accusations but the password he gave on his blog "temp" in lower case for user name and password is only good for the user name and gives an error on the password.

    And the things they say I have said about you are figments of their imaginations.

    Valerie read one of my partner's posts and reported I must really hate Obama on the PP site. I wrote a post asking how someone can hate someone she has never met and he might be the nicest and best guy to hang around with. WhyNot read that and somehow interpreted that I was talking about everyone on his blog. Misunderstanding. I hate Obama's policies but not the man. You can check for yourself at Much ado about nothing. Ask him to post the right password on his blog and I will answer. I know you don't like me but I would appreciate it if you'll do this.

    To answer an assumption on your part if I use my employer's insurance when I turn 65 it pays only 80 0/0 of my expenses and I would not be eligible for a supplemental policy to cover the balance. I opted out of the employer's offer and lost all but 1/2 of my life insurance. I have purchased supplemental an part D coverage to go with Medicare and don't want to be on Medicare but the govt has given me no choice.

    Thanks for the favor if you do it.

  2. Look lady, I don't know you personally but I loathe your misinformed and uniformed politics. The very first post I looked at made me want to vomit. I don't really care one way or the other if some conservative numbnut talks shit about me on the internet.

    From what you just wrote, the govt HAS given you a choice and you have already made up your mind to go with the insurance choice that the taxpayers pay instead of what your huge corporate employer should be paying for.
