
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Titanic Banks Hit LIBOR Iceberg: Will Lawsuits Sink the ship?

Published: Sunday 22 July 2012
“Billions of dollars were skimmed from cities all across America by colluding to rig the public bids on municipal bonds, a business worth $3.7 trillion.”

Titanic Banks Hit LIBOR Iceberg: Will Lawsuits Sink the ship?

. . . Finance has usurped democracy.

Gee, ya think?

I'm still unpacking, sorting, shredding, donating and pushing him to do the same...



  1. OK, that's twice now, I must not be paying attention.

    Who is this "him" you are talking about?

    I'm cornfused!

    BTW, I feel your pain, I fucking hate moving with a passion.
    I'll bet I have moved over forty times in my life and that is a conservative estimate.
    Shit, I just moved AGAIN two months ago after moving SIX months before that!

  2. Husband, no son of mind would have been this neglected. I've known him 20 years, married for 10. I'm not even moving, half the rooms didn't even need to be touched because they weren't being repainted and recarpeted, that's what's so fucking aggravating. He dosen't o a goddamned thing that I didn't light a fire under his ass to do and explain in detail how to do. Yet, I have to play Sherlock Holmes every time he speaks because he only spits out half a sentence and moves on to the next thought. I need a push button recording that says "I can't read minds, honey, I don't know what you're talking about, gimme the rest of the info."

    1. Crack my ass up!

      I knew I liked you.....
      Fist bump.

  3. LOL. Sorry, I'm not laughing at you, just the way you speak.

    "I can't read minds, honey, I don't know what you're talking about, gimme the rest of the info."

    Why do you stay with him? I would have dumped his ass a million years ago. We French women don't take shit from men. I thought you American women were just as bad, LOL.

    And Stiletto, LOL, I think she would have exploded his ass with a Kalashnikov on day one, LOL. I think Russian women are even worse than French ones, LOL. I've never seen a Kalashnikov, I've never seen any gun in my life, oh yes a rifle for hunting when I was a child in the country far away from Paris. But I wouldn't like to meet Stiletto if she was angry with me, I don't know if she still has her machine gun, but even being kickboxed doesn't appeal to me, LOL.

    And speaking of angry, I am becoming incredibly angry and wanting to learn to use a Kalashnikov with the biggest fucking bitch on this planet, and it is the born-again liar jesus_cocksucking bitch Jeanette!!!
