
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Jaw-Dropping Corruption: America's 47 Million Hungry Mouths Are Just Another Corporate Cash Cow

An attorney's courageous report exposes just how ruthless and greedy big business is capable of being.
July 22, 2012 |
Mark Anderson

"...This issue has become so touchy that at least one journalist, Michael Morisy (, is in hot water with the USDA for managing to obtain some of this data..."

Yeah. A regulatory agency of the US government. Supposed to protect the citizens of the US...

Oh yeah, Citizens United was the last nail in the coffin of that dream. Only CORPORATE citizens are protected now. And big ones at that.


  1. Hello Nunya,

    "America's 47 Million Hungry Mouths Are Just Another Corporate Cash Cow"

    LOL, "cow, makes me think of TLGK calling me a "stupid cow", LOL. But even that we have Holland now, and he is supposed to be of the Socialist Party, I don't see any difference with fascist Sarkozy in the millions of hungry French mouths when it comes to feeding them. Socialist, my ass!!!

    We don't see you any more on PP, it's a pity, I miss you and I am sure that Stiletto misses you very much. And Whynot. The only good thing is that we don't see SPAMMERS any more either. But sometimes, they were funny!

    I've seen some great movies, mostly American ones, but some others too.

    1. Ahh, sweetie, I will be back, just a alot of junk to go through that I discovered when they repainted and recarpeted. I was hiding from it in LA for a week, lol.
