
Saturday, June 23, 2012

My saviors from reading more Romney crap

Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney.  Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney.  Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney, Romney.

Jebus I'm sick of that doof. That rich, greedy tool of the rich and greedy can go fuck himself. Job creators?  Nonsense, that shithead destroyed a shitload of American jobs and made beaucoup bucks doing it.  

 I'm sick of the ridiculous charade that national politics is, especially Presidential election politics. The only way I can stand to look for some article that is remotely interesting and is mildly political in nature is to listen to Blue Gal and Driftglass on the Professional Left Podcast. I found myself impatiently wating for it yesterday and then I thought I would hold off and save it for this morning's coffee on the porch.

Here's part of my view when I sit there.

And I was pleasantly surprised to hear those two talk about themselves and how they came to do the podcast.


  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I have to disagree. Romney did create jobs as CEO of Bain; just they weren't in this country. ;)

    1. yes, that's true, and thanks for visiting :)

  2. Mainstream Merca needs to listen to the "Professional Left" starting like now!

    1. yup, who knows, they probably do, they just don't admit it publicly.
