
Thursday, June 14, 2012

I've known this for years

Rio+20 Earth summit: scientists call for action on population
Joint report by 105 institutions urges negotiators to drop political inhibitions and confront rising global population and consumption

Jonathan Watts in Rio de Janeiro
The Guardian, Wednesday 13 June 2012

"...Many in the scientific community believe it is time to confront these elephants in the room. "For too long population and consumption have been left off the table due to political and ethical sensitivities. These are issues that affect developed and developing nations alike, and we must take responsibility for them together," said Charles Godfray, a fellow of the Royal Society and chair of the working group of IAP, the global network of science academies..."

1 comment:

  1. No shit but it ain't gonna happen. We're gonna ride this baby all the way down the shitter and into the street.
