
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Individual mandate.

FindLaw Poll Results

Supreme Court Health Care Decision Will Define The Future Of The American Health Care System
Posted: 06/27/2012 12:36 pm Updated: 06/27/2012 2:40 pm

Crap. Without the individual mandate Obamacare will fail. Congratulations Republican tools for the health insurance companies, you're destroying the country, but hey, your goal of hurting Obama just may work.

Fucking fucks.

Obamacare Opponents Are Fat Cats Masquerading As Small Business
"Small businesses don't give multi-million-dollar contributions."
June 27, 2012 |

This action by the Supreme Court may backfire though:

"...Buttressing that theory, retiring conservative Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) warned Wednesday that, “If they strike down the mandate, the Supreme Court will be paving the way to a single-payer system, or back to the old broken health care system - neither of which are good for Nebraskans.”..."

Gawd I hate the Robert's Court. Arrogant, corporate owned and operated assholes. Not that I think the individual mandate is a great thing, here's part of the reason why:

Flip-flop on Healh-Care Reform Casts President as Modern-Day Julius Caesar

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