
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oh screw the banksters

Published on Monday, May 21, 2012 by Common Dreams
How the Ultra-Rich Betray America
by Paul Buchheit

"... The wealthy benefit disproportionately from property and inheritance laws, contracts, stock exchanges, favorable SEC regulations, the Small Business Administration, patent and copyright and intellectual property laws, estate planning, trust funds, Internet marketing, communications infrastructure, highway maintenance, air traffic control, local and national security, and 60 years of research in technology and other industries..."

"...Denial: Traders feel it's inappropriate to pay even a tiny tax on a quadrillion dollars in sales

A quadrillion dollars sounds like a fake amount. But it's all too real. That's a thousand trillion dollars of derivatives transactions which, along with the high-frequency computer-generated transactions (5,000 per second) that make up over half of U.S. stock trades, contributed to a financial meltdown and a $3 trillion bailout for reckless trading.

But there's no tax on these transactions.

While average Americans pay a 10% sales tax on necessities, millionaire investors pay just a .00002% SEC fee (2 cents for every thousand dollars) for a financial instrument. And their supporters claim, inexplicably after the disastrous trading frenzy in 2008, that a tax would increase volatility..."

("Increase volatility?" Now that is the most ridiculous statement I've heard in a while. Jebus, how stupid do these colostomy bag contents think we are?)

Published on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 by Common Dreams
Snarling Banks
by Jim Hightower

"...Thank you, Supreme Court, for making this crass money play possible with your plutocratic Citizens United decision. Now that bankers are going to intimidate officeholders with the threat to put unlimited campaign cash against them, we can expect Big Oil, Big Pharma and all the other Bigs to join the fun...."

"...Wells Fargo now hits you for $15 a month just to have a checking account, unless you keep at least $7,500 in your account. Citibank charges $20 a month, unless you keep $15,000 on deposit — more than double last year's level. Bank fees for money orders have doubled, and fees for cashier's checks have quadrupled..."

There is a way out of this endless abuse-the-customer game: Move your money out of their vaults! For help, go to"

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