
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

bbbut the optical scanners are good for elections, right?

By Brad Friedman on 5/14/2012 6:51pm
  Paper Ballot Op-Scan Systems in FL, WI, NY, OH Confirmed to Overheat, Mistally 70% of Votes
Similar systems used by millions of voters in majority of states also found to have failed as 2012 Presidential election looms..

"...Election Systems & Software, Inc. (ES&S), the largest e-voting machine company in the U.S. and the maker of the paper ballot op-scan tally systems in question, have confirmed that their systems may overheat when used over several hours (for example, during an election!), and that they then may mistally and/or incorrectly discard anywhere from 30% to 70% of votes scanned by the machines..."


  1. Something that has been forgotten about but is still in their arsenal of cheat. A card that still has not been played yet.

  2. They're waiting to exhaust all of us, yeah?

  3. Judging from European elections, you never know. Sometimes we overestimate the opposition's competence ;->

    1. Which EU elections? The French bounced Sarkozy out, but I'm not familiar with their voting equipment.

  4. Let me try to contain my surprise at this news as I've been saying this for years.

    There is nothing to be sure of in these software systems.

    Only paper ballots, hand counted by independently selected election monitors like the League of Women Voters are credible for valid vote totals.

    Bet on it.

    Love ya!


    1. I know Suzan, me too. *sigh*
