
Monday, March 12, 2012

How We All Got Stuck Paying the Medical Bills of the Woman Who Sued to Kill Obamacare

"It is people who have decided not to buy coverage -- but who nevertheless get sick or injured and seek medical care when they do, even if they don't have the money to pay for it -- that make health insurance so expensive for the rest of us"

Dude, that's only part of it. What about the people who have invested in all sectors of the "health care business" and expect to make a return? Shareholders in health insurance companies, medical equipment and supply companies and health care facilities don't jack up our costs? What about the fraud in Medicare? What about the miscalculation in Medicare costs when SS and Medicare was set up? Nobody during FDR's time expected to have THIS many old and sick people, THIS few jobs and fewer young people enteriing the workforce because women discovered they could do more than stay at home and squirt out brats once there was birth control available.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


  1. Uhm, Medicare (and Medicaid) was set up in 1965. FDR had been dead for 20 years by then.

    There was nothing wrong with the tables used to set up Social Security and still isn't. It was understood that the Social Security taxes would need to go up as the retired population eligible for Social Security rose. Even today, Social Security is solvent forever with the current SS tax rate with one simple fix -- remove the cap on the amount of income subject to Social Security tax.

  2. I know.

    Still, how many wealthy people are going to sit back and pay more, You KNOW the wealthy have more political power and they are going to use it. They have private insurance and they will not pay morei for something they don't use.
