
Wednesday, February 01, 2012


84 minutes
James Franco steps into the shoes of famed Beat poet Allen Ginsberg in this star-studded biopic centered around Ginsberg's poem "Howl" -- and the widely publicized obscenity trial that followed its publication in 1957. Documentarians Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman (The Times of Harvey Milk) direct, with an A-list ensemble cast that includes Jon Hamm, David Strathairn, Jeff Daniels and Mary-Louise Parker."

So I'm trying to watch this thing and I must have drifted off to sleep and what wakes me up is "Holy, Holy Holy this Holy that..." and my first semi coherent thought is "Holy CRAP what the FUCK is that annoying noise?" as I struggle to focus on James Franco's form in the black and white moving image.

Hijole, some artists are soooooooo fucking pretentious. Bleh. It's one of the reasons I usually avoid watching any extras, or especially commentary on DVDs. I HATE listening to Hollyweird congratulate itself on how fucking brilliant it is. Who the fuck they trying to kid? Some of the dumbest movies ever made make lots of money, and some of the stuff that wins accolades is barely watchable and only won awards because of the political climate at the time.


  1. I hate this time of the year with all the Hollywood awards shows. Sick of watching these people pat themselves on the back for the drivel they put out.

  2. Dude,

    is that you in the picture? The Mrs. is a lucky lady!

  3. Better would be to read "Howl"

  4. goatman,

    I suppose. I'm not a big poetry fan. I write it when I'm stressed, but I don't read it once I've emotionally vomited.
