
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Funny, those blurbs

I haven't read a book straight through in a couple of years now, mostly because my first love of reading came with reading fiction and I have been reading non-fiction books about politics and the economy for the last ten years. I have a half dozen books going and I can't seem to finish any of them, but this morning I picked up Russ Baker's Family of Secrets and read the blurbs on the back. I never noticed this one: 

"(Baker) is a man on a mission, desperate to stop the methods of stealth and manipulation that...reflect a deeper ill: the American public's increasingly tenuous hold upon the levers of its own democracy." -- San Diego Union-Tribune

 Which frankly made me grin at the irony. 

First, the source of the blurb, the U-T, basically two Copely newspapers since 1928 merged in '92 then sold to an investment company in Beverly Hills in Feb '09 and resold to one of the biggest local developers in San Diego last year. I have never been able to read the Republican right-wing birdcage liner.

Second, the blurb itself, keyword "democracy."  Bwaaaaah hahaha, in San Diego?

It wasn't until 2006 that San Diego tried to wrest power away from the city manager by voting on the "strong mayor" initiative.  Uh huh, so the people think they are turning the power over to the Republican ex-chief of police Jerry Sanders.  Socially, there was a big deal over him talking about his gay daughter, taboo in a county that is basically one big military base. 

Fiscally, and in terms of transparency,  it's 
of the
same old shit.

 Yep, whenever I take a racing dive into the sewage fest that is San Diego politics and then try to 'splain it to others, this song comes to mind: Share

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