
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ron Paul

I wish I could get Granpa to investigate him further, but I don't think he will. Frankly, I am irritated with Granpa's bigotry, but I put up with it because he's old and stubborn and nothing I say is going to change his mind anyway. I still fight with him on it, it's who I am.

Here is Paul on abortion, on his website in his own words.

To which I would respond "Hey, you  myopic, crusty old fart, there are 7 billion fucking people on this planet and "3.575 million people die each year from water-related disease." 

And here he is on education
 Just read the responses. It's incomplete and vague enough to be interpreted many ways.  
Since I have a kid who just spent 16 years in the public education system it makes the alarm bells go off in my mind. 

 I don't much care for glibertarians, I find them narrow-minded, intellectually lazy and generally pretty selfish and self-centered people.

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