
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday musing

I've been avoiding the newZ stuff lately because frankly, most of it is stupid:

 Fox and Sarah Palin Freak over White House Christmas Card.
Wed, Dec. 21, 2011

Instead, I have been watching an even sillier show that lasted 1 season called "The Event." Silly, exciting and about aliens that look like us and crash landed in Alaska 66 years ago during WWII and have been held in a prison made especially for them ever since then...

 So my creative little mind starts wondering "Hey, maybe Molly McMooesturd stumbled onto some super-duper secret government installation in Alaska and that is why the goofy bitch is in the newZy reports all the time?"
Hey, it's not any crazier than the thought of Sarah Palin, a major flaming turd queen,  as a presidential candidate, and it might explain why she's not a simple footnote in history yet. You got a better idea? Come on, I could use some larfs today, :) Share


  1. Maybe the turd queen is offended because President Obama doesn't use his children for props...
    She speaks of faith, family???
    Faux. Completely Faux.
