
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pregnancy discrimination

Pregnancy Discrimination Still a Problem
By Stephanie Rabiner on November 23, 2011 3:02 PM

When my boss and co-worker found out I was pregnant all of the sudden I was helpless. It was amusing to me. I did physical work and one day I could do it and the next they felt the need to help me. I'm not quite sure how to add this, so I'll just throw it in there. One of my co-workers will always have a special place in my heart because he helped me lose my irrational fear of black men. He was the cook and a kind and gentle soul who would ask me "What are we feeding the baby this morning?" and fix me whatever I wanted for breakfast. I'll always be grateful for that sweet, shy man who was kind to me and my baby.

Soon I was not getting any assignments and had to look for something else, and the next company didn't have any problem with me hauling my ass up a ladder to bring down boxes as large as I was. Until I started to show, that is, then it was unemployment again, which was fine actually because I was sick of trying to hide my pregnancy, and disability paid a little bit.

The child's father started pushing me to go back to work 2 weeks after the child was born and I had to tell him that the doctors all said that 6 weeks was necessary to to heal enough to be up and on my feet all day. He had agreed to pay the rent, but he never could on time even though he cleared three times the rent and he was paid monthly, which I learned years later. My job was to cover everything else except 1/2 the childcare, which he also never paid on time, so I did. I knew that I couldn't stay with that narcissistic asshole when he complained that his meal was too small. I shot back that if he paid his half of the childcare that his meals would be bigger. I cleared $150 a week and the childcare was $95 a week. I left him when the kid was 4 months old and never even considered living with his selfish ass again.

The kid is just finishing up the last few classes for a bachelor's degree. You would think that some things had changed in all that time.


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