
Friday, September 09, 2011

So, there was a blackout here in San Diego

And parts of OC, Northern Mexico, Imperial County.

Update: Power Coming Back on In San Diego; Human Error Blamed

Outage Affects Millions in Southwest, Mexico
By JULIE WATSON Associated Press
SAN DIEGO September 9, 2011 (AP)
"...San Diego Gas & Electric Co. officials said the blackout occurred at about 4 p.m., taking out power to all 1.4 million of its household and business customers. The outage extended into southern Orange County and across California's inland deserts as far east as Yuma, Ariz.

In Mexico, officials said power was out in northern Baja California's two biggest cities, home to roughly 2.5 million people...

...Officials at Phoenix-based Arizona Public Service Co. said the source of the trouble could be traced to an employee removing a piece of monitoring equipment at a power substation in southwest Arizona. Why that mishap, which normally would have been isolated locally, triggered such a widespread outage was to be a focus of the probe, they said.

Authorities quickly ruled out an intentional act or, in the anxious days leading up to the anniversary of Sept. 11 attacks, any suggestion of terrorism.

"This was not a deliberate act. The employee was just switching out a piece of equipment that was problematic," said Daniel Froetscher, an APS vice president...."

ON average, San Diego is sunny 68% of the time and the police had to use backup generators to take 911 calls? Thank you Republicans who run this city. *sigh*

I lost power for 8 1/2 hours. My husband loves stuff that uses alternate forms of energy, so we had all kinds of battery/crank/solar powered radios and flashlights and I always have scented candles. That was kind of a joke when my kid was a teenager (they joked about the "poop candles") because the exhaust duct for the fan in the bathroom was designed by a complete moron.

As helpful as Rick Roberts was in having people call into the radio station to let others know where there was gasoline, food, and where the power was being restored, dude is a dick. A right-wing, self-important nincompoop and he got on my nerves. No wonder I never listen to local AM hate radio, I think some of his regular listeners were calling in -- UGH, what a bunch of idiots.

So, this part of the story is only because my friend told me it was funny, I dunno, you tell me?

There is a rat that scampers up and down the tree in front of my house and the little fucker was really busy giving me the heebeejeebies last night as I sat on the porch to cool off a bit. So, you know those sticky traps? I put one at the base of the tree last night and this morning I hear this gawdawful racket, only it ain't a rat. Two crows are attempting to unstick 2 other crows from this thing and complaining noisily. It worked, Go Team Crow! Guess they like peanut butter.

PS, I finished Dexter is Delicious via flashlight, lol.


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