
Friday, September 02, 2011

5 days in between posts

I escaped into Netflix this week. I discovered 3 new TV shows that I'm moving through. There are TV shows that I will watch now because I don't have to suffer through the advertisements that annoy the living shit out of me. not had access to cable shows because I just couldn't see paying for more ads, a DVR just didn't seem like it was worth the money because most of what is on cable is almost as stupid as what is on the networks.

I loathe reality shows but I've found some documentary mini-series' that I am enjoying. Frankly, I just haven't wanted to read much lately. I haven't had any patience with the right-wing retarded trolls that seem to be exponentially multiplying over at the HuffyFluffyPo since Arianna sold it to fucking AOL. It used to be hilarious to watch the clever liberals pile on the NOT clever righty trolls, but it seems like the cards are stacked against us over there now. Just like most of the pro-business corporate advertising funded elephant crap out there.

There are still a few writers over there that I enjoy:

Jason Linkins

Amanda Terkel

and Wendell Potter

What does it say that I know that 3 out of 4 of these writers came from other, "more liberal" sites?


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