
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Courthouse auctions: bros with bids

Karla Peterson Test Driving San Diego
Courthouse auctions: bros with bids
By Karla Peterson
6:31 a.m., July 17, 2011

"...Hey bro, wanna buy a house?: It may sound like something out of Ye Olde West (Wenches, anyone?), but the mood of the front-step auctions is totally California Casual. It is mostly professional-buyer dudes in shorts and polo shirts bidding against other professional-buyer dudes in shorts and polo shirts..."

Hmm. First time in a long time that I was mildly amused (or even bothered to read) by an article in the SDUT, that right-wing, suck-up-to-anything -that smells -like-money, piece of shit local paper.

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