
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Great documentary on Prop h8

8: The Mormon Proposition
2009 R 77 minutes (Streaming on Netflix now)

Some Mormon walking baby factory tried to get me (through my kid) to tithe 10% of my welfare check to the Mormon church many years ago. They look like they needed the money, didn't they?

They need to be taxed if they are funding political campaigns. They strong-armed their church members to give a lot of their money and time to defeat gay marriage after the CA Supreme court OK'd it.

At least the little fuckers are not banging on my door 10 times a year now. I wonder if their flock is shrinking now? Or they have problems now if they wear their little Mormon uniforms? I hope so. They throw h8 out there, they can certainly have some back from me. They started this fucking war, and the cowards won't be honest about the evil, rigid, intolerant, ugly and illegal things they do.

"Many LDS feel stung by the criticism leveled against them in 8: The Mormon Proposition, even without seeing the film."

Well waaaaaah. There are Mormons (or ex-Mormons) in the film telling their story.


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