
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gasland (2009)

Uddate Sept 19, 2011 "Gasland" Wins an Emmy!
Aw jeez, 15 minutes in I thought "Fuckin' Halliburton, fuckin' Dickhead Cheney."

"...Mr. FOX: But there's a kind of gas drilling syndrome that people have been identifying which has to do with a kind of a peripheral neuropathy. But the symptoms for these - exposures to this kind of chemicals range from, you know, skin and eye irritation, to respiratory irritation, to cancer. And those chemicals - the ones that we do know about have Manufactures Safety Dash Sheets that list those possible effects and a lot of them are carcinogenic..."

And the EPA is like many regulatory agencies in the US these days - either bought and paid for, or hog-tied by the industries that they are supposed to be regulating and protecting us little people from. This is one of the companies in the documentary. I guess their bullshit works, because they are making money.

Hmmm. Japan is actively searching for alternative energy supplies. Hmmm. Hmmmm. Hmmm. Hmmmm


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