
Monday, March 28, 2011

Abandoning Private Manning

Yeah, the owner/operators of the American government get really pissed if any of their bullshit is revealed. And he did that. How soon before he is stark raving mad and they commit him to be experimented on by batshit crazy "patriots" who've read too many writings of the Japanese and Nazi scientists that we welcomed with open arms after WWII? Go ahead - imagine that I am imaginative, or take a good look at what they are doing.

I'm watching Eat Pray Love , and frankly, I'm finding it an incredibly self-indulgent piece of crap. Not that the book is something that I would read in the first place. I didn't turn it off because I laughed inside of 22 minutes. That was it. Jeez, Hollywood should listen to the people they employ to clean up after them, they might learn something.

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